Dear Editor,
I have been curious how did the issue of Ms. Ing-wen Tsai's Ph.D. degree has been dragging for such a long time. This controversy is unique in many ways. From the academy standpoint, this issue shall have long been resolved. An academic degree is not an ambiguous issue. There is only one truth, either Ms. Tsai has earned her Ph.D. degree, or she did not earn it. Prof. Hwan Lin has presented the results of his research, supported by other professors (Ho, Hsu, and others). One of her academic defenders is Prof. Lee Tun-Hou. In a typical educational setting, it is up to Ms. Tsai to present her case. The matter can be resolved within a day. Instead, Ms. Tsai was accusing the professors of defamation and sued them in court. This kind of response is unheard of in the academy.
Hence, the only reasonable understanding is that Ms. Tsai's Ph.D. degree is not an academic issue, rather than a political one. Judging from her responses and by her office and supporters, we cannot but reach a reasonable conclusion. Ms. Tsai did not earn her Ph.D. degree through the standard process fair and square. Indeed, some degrees are available for sale. More significantly, we must ask why Ms. Tsai would not admit the truth and move on, since a Ph. D. degree is not required to be a president of ROC. Her admission of the fact would result in the collapse of the myth of the so-called Republic of China. KMT brilliantly used Ms. Tsai as a Trojan horse in DPP for more than 30 years. The people of Taiwan were duped and must admit that KMT ate our lunch in the last election. . Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me.
Francis Lai
Professor Emeritus
Department of Plastics Engineering
University of Massachusetts Lowell