








郭敏俊 6-30-2012



Reply From BATA

Saturday, June 30, 2012 7:12 PM
By  Allen Kuo:

Nice article, thank you Minjin. 
Comment on: 也許有人認為語言只是一種表達與溝通的工具,不用太堅持非說母語不可
è Actually language does impact out thinking pattern, at least sub-consciously. When we speak Chinese, the image comes to our mind cannot help but be more Chinese oriented, and it will automatically lead us into more Chinese mind set. Furthermore, it will impact the way we look at ourselves, and the way people around us perceive us.

Sunday, July 1, 2012 5:39 AM
By Daniel Chien:


Sunday, July 01, 2012 10:27 AM
By  Gordon Liu

I thought Taiwan have developed a 台灣國語 which is a mixture of 閩南話 and so called 國語, which I think it's great.  What happen to that?   I was proud to see that 台灣國語 is not a demeanerto Taiwanese in recent years.
It's impractical to get rid of 國語, because we all grow up with it, and our children in Taiwan now still learning it in school.  Maybe we could call it a different name?  Maybe 台語文 could be defined as such?

Sunday, July 1, 2012 11:35 AM
By Allen Kuo:
Hi Gordon: 
I am afraid that you might have two terrible misses here: 
1) The so call “閩南話” is a perspective taken from the “ugly Chinese world”. 台灣話 Should not be made equal to, or even overlaping in any way, with the so call  “閩南話”. 台灣話 is a totally separate entity on its own, period! 

2) I am not sure what you meant by 國語. If your example of  “國語” is the language that was originally from Beijing’s dialog, then it should be simply defined as a foreign language in Taiwan. It should not be positioned as Taiwan’s national language, which is the perspective of the KMT. 
Also traditional Taiwanese alone, has a very sophisticated and completed grammar. It is sufficient to serve as an independent language system. Why should we mix the traditional Taiwanese, with the Beijing dialog?

Sunday, July 1, 2012 4:36 PM
By  Gordon Liu:
Hi Allen,
Yes.  My terminology is not political correct.  But what's your definition of 台灣話? Is it pure 閩南話? or a mixture. 
Please be realistic.  As I was saying, it's not practical to get rid of Mandrian language now.  Language by it's nature is evolving over time.  You cannot roll back to 60 some years ago before KMT came to Taiwan. 
But I agree that the recent development of the usage of Bejing's dialog and phrases from Taiwan's officiers and media is not a good sign, and is worrisome for Taiwan's future.

Sunday, July 1, 2012 5:48 PM
By  Johnson Wang:
Johnson Wang 
Allen, you are damn right on "language does impact our thinking pattern." 
That was the reason CSB carried out the policy of "Taiwanese in the campus" - - another main reason Ma/KMT put him in jail. 

Sunday, July 01, 2012 8:22 PM
By Allen Kuo:

Hi Gordon: 
No one says that we should get rid of Mandarin in Taiwan entirely right now. However, KMT is trying very hard to kill all the other racial group’s mother  languages, forcing everyone to use Mandarin only. And this is the problem! 
我認為廣義的台灣國語, 應包括目前台灣通用的4大族群語言 (separately, not mixed as you suggested). 這, 瑞士辨到了, 台灣為何不能! Read this from Wikipedia: 

瑞士官方語言:[19] 瑞士德語(62.7%; 72.5%) 法語(20.4%; 21.0%) 義大利語(6.5%; 4.3%) 羅曼什語(0.5%; 0,6%)
至於”非廣義的台灣國語”, 應指的是目前佔人口75% 所通用的台灣母語. 我認為這樣的台灣語與閩南語之間的差別, 就像美語與英語之間有很大差別的, 不能混為一談是一樣的. 
雖然目前獨尊”非廣義的台灣語”為台灣國語並不切實際, 但Babuza 曾提到, 將非廣義的台灣語 (佔人口75% 的母語) 定義為 “優勢官方台灣國語”, 這應該是很合理的.

Sunday, July 01, 2012 6:08 PM
By Taitzer:
關於語言論點,常常聽到某一個國家 XX 能,為什麼台灣不能?總歸一個原因,就是 XX 能,是因爲由政府推行,而臺灣不能,是因爲由民間向目的相左的政府呈請,台語文不能納入正規教育。癥結就在這裡。

Mon, 2 Jul 2012 11:15:08 +0800
By 劉重義: 
上星期四、五 是台 灣教授協會的年中聚會,剛好趁機向台語文專家李勤岸教授請教「腳頭窩」怎麼寫,他很快地連上「教育部」電子辭典查出是「跤頭趺」。當然,為了 讓大部份人看懂,可能最好先寫成「腳頭趺」,讓大家熟悉這個「趺」字。李勤岸教授說其實在民進黨執政的年代,台語文的專家學者已經編纂了 相當 數量的台語字,包括福佬話和客家話的字彙,但是,赤藍政權並不願加以推廣,更不願意納入正規教育。
上個月6月9日,我主持台灣教授協會所舉辦的「台灣資訊安全的危機」座談會,邀請了 四位 專家學者做報告。我有一位仍在校的學生特別來參加,會後,他寫了電子郵件給我: 「教 授,我們同學一直以為是因為你台語熟練,所以上課能夠從頭到尾用台語教。全校沒有聽說有其他教授用台語上課的。不過,今天的座談會讓我十 分震撼,五位 上台 報告的教授從頭到尾都用台語,而且把問題講得很清楚。讓我第一次感覺到,其實我們根本就可以用台語教任何學門的課!」   

